CP-10 Robert Coe Gardner, UFO lecturer (Also P-64).
CP-11 Gabriel Green, Director of Amalgamated ... CF-13
Calvin G irvan, Contactée, author of ' The Nient Has a
Thousand ... CP-29 Daryk F. Níeman, AFSCA's 'Miss Out of
This World" . ...
Achad , Frater ( Charles Stanfeld Jones ) ( George
Graham Price) ( Channeler ) , ( The anatomy of .....
AFSCA , Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America Mr.
Gabriel Green ( Channeler ) ..... Alberts , Barb (
UFO Contactee Researcher ) ...
www.ignaciodarnaude.com/bibliografia_... - Similares
1897: the airship in Illinois / Robert G. Neeley.
..... Amalgamated Flying ...
The colors changed continually but were predominantly
green, red and blue. .... There are several UFO
and CONTACTEE organizations in Africa. ... by the
to 1961, replacing the ...
G.de Purucker: OCCULT GLOSSARY. 1933, 300 terms, $
3.50. (Theosophical .... Dr.R .Leo Sprinkle: REFERENCES ON
www.galeon.com/ignaciodarnaude/biblio... - Similares
Green, Gabriel: UFO AND NEW AGE & LIGHT
PP). ( AFSCA 5 Box 84 ; lïorthridge ; CA 91324 ì USA)
www.galeon.com/ignaciodarnaude/biblio... - Similares
U.F.O. People look JUST LIKE US. UFO's Have
Been Coming Here For Centuries. Best To You, Mr. G.
Green ... My dad was a 1950's era contactee and so
was his. ...
25 Nov 2006 ... Beckley, Timothy Green. MJ-12
AND THE RIDDLE OF HANGER 18. ..... Schwarz, Berthold M.D.
31 Dic 2008 ... Gloria Lee fue una azafata que se
convirtió en contactee. ... fue en la primera
convención de AFSCA (Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of
America, Inc., dirigida por Gabriel Green, el famoso
contactado que regularmente se ...
AFSCA: Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America.
A contactee-oriented ...
2 Feb 2000 ... His name is Gabriel Green and
he once ran for President of the ... from Gabriel
Green, Director; the Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of
America ( AFSCA ... As with so many UFO
contactees, the Star Shepherds are convinced ...
Xian now had Green's UFO INTERNATIONAL magazine at
its planetary centers and ...... FOR AFSCA, formerly
the largest UFO organization in the United States ...
AFSCA World Report ( AFSCA), 1960, 13/14/15,
16, 17, Cont by UFO ..... 1995, 1= May 5, 2=Sep 1,
Sp.Issue=Sep 22, 3=Dec 6, Editor: Robert G Todd, 4 ...
UFO Contactee (GAP-Japan]. 1985. No. 1=May.
Editor: Hachiro Kubota ...
www.afu.info/AFU%2520Serials%2520Arch... - Similares
Green Fireballs and Other Southwestern Lights;Hoaxes
through 1959;Hollow Earth and UFOs ;International Flying
Saucer Bureau (IFSB) ;Itaipu Fortress ...
He is a leadi~ g proponent of extraterrestrial
intelligence and leading skeptic about UFOs being spaceships
piloted by other beings . 96/ Ibid., p. 26. ...
On Korendor, it would be 2.5 G. [Note: IC. The
actual figure is about 1.57 G ...
Les rencontres avec Gabriel Green n'étaient pas
réguliers et pouvaient avoir aucun ... Robert Renaud est l'un
des rares contactées principaux des " Korendians " ...
un peu plus vieux que moi et bilingue me traduisait les textes des
revues afsca. ..... Man 1961 révèle UFO observation
et de notes de musique du ciel ...
Robinson, contactee George Williamson de
UFO et Al Bailey d'ami avaient ...
... Inc. ( AFSCA) Amalgamated Flying Saucer
Clubs of America- Green, Gabriel Amalgamated Flying Saucer
Clubs of America- UFO International American Association
texts.cdlib.org:8088/xtf/data/13030/2... - Similares
public concern, and UFO contactees like King were
offering an answer. Before the decade was ...... Green
intended the AFSCA to create public acceptance of ...
www.eso-garden.com/specials/encyclope... - Similares
Gabriel Green qui est président d'un groupe qui se
spécialise sur ... dans des articles qui ont été édités dans
l' UFO international entre 1963 et 1969. Les histoires de
contactés ... contactées principaux des " Korendians ", et
déclare y avoir de ... revues afsca. Le fait de pensé
qu'un de nos francophone pouvait ...
A partir des années 1950s Green déclare avoir fait
plus de 100 observations de ... jusqu'en 1959 ou Green
fait évoluer l'organisation en l' AFSCA (Amalgamated
.... Hunt-Williamson, G. & McCoy, John:
UFOs Confidential - The meaning behind the ... Hidel,
Alec: "George Hunt Williamson & the Genesis of the
Contactees" ...
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